This tab only is visible in the Setup profile Admin

In this tab you can visualise which other internet accounts your JOGL account is linked to (Google for example) and unlink them if you’d like.

It’s specifically interesting to link your ORCID account with JOGL.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 17.30.39.png

*** ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, it is a unique digital identifier system used primarily in the academic and research community. It provides researchers with a distinct and persistent identifier that distinguishes them from other scholars. This unique ORCID iD helps to connect researchers with their research activities, affiliations, and publications, ensuring accurate attribution and recognition of their work. Researchers can use their ORCID iD to link and integrate their various research outputs, such as publications, datasets, grants, and affiliations, making it easier to keep track of their academic contributions. It's an open and non-profit organization that offers these unique identifiers, allowing for greater transparency and reliability in the scholarly community.*