<aside> <img src="/icons/network_purple.svg" alt="/icons/network_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Containers can be linked to each other. When they are linked, they are part of each other’s ecosystem, which depending on the privacy settings of each container, might grant members access to the content of the other container
<aside> <img src="/icons/network_purple.svg" alt="/icons/network_purple.svg" width="40px" /> We can rank hubs, communities, and projects by size: Hub > Community > Project
Currently, only containers of different sizes can be linked. For example, a hub and a community can be linked but a hub and another hub or a community and another community cannot be linked
<aside> <img src="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" alt="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" width="40px" /> To link two containers together, a user needs to have the right to do so from each container. Because the containers being linked are necessary of different sizes, there is a smaller container and a larger container. The user needs to be admin of the smaller container, and be granted the permission by the admin of the larger container to add a smaller container to the larger container’s ecosystem.
Example: if a project and a community are linked, the project is the small container and the community is the larger container
Permission from the smaller container: To link to the larger container, the user needs to be admin of the smaller container. For example, to link a community to a project, the user needs to be admin of the project.
Permission From the larger container: Because larger container are designed to structure communities and ecosystems, admins can give the right to their members to add pre-existing or directly create smaller containers within the larger container. Hence, to link a larger container to a smaller container, the user needs to be admin of the larger container, or have the rights to link the larger container to the smaller container.
<aside> <img src="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" alt="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The easiest way to link containers is via the add button on the page of either the smaller or larger container
For example, after clicking on add/project on a hub page, the user will be able to select a project amongst all the projects they are admin of.
After clicking on add/hub on a project page (they are admin of), the user will be able to select a hub from the hubs where they have the right to link a project.