There are six types of containers serving a different purpose. Containers can be linked to each other to form an ecosystem. The admins of the containers can customize the security-privacy of their containers to fit their needs and privacy requirements.
A Hub is the largest container on JOGL in that it can host Communities, Projects , and Call for Proposals. A hub is designed to segment a large community into various thematic communities and projects. The communities and projects can aggregate their content to the hub depending on their privacy settings. A hub can be affiliated to Organizations.
A Community is the second largest container on JOGL, in that it can host Projects and Call for Proposals. A community can also be affiliated to Organizations. The difference with a Hub is that communities cannot contain or be associated to other communities. A community can be affiliated to Organizations.
A project is the smallest of containers on JOGL. It is designed to support the collaboration of a team around a project and its documentation. A project can be used for private collaboration or also as a vitrine to seek for help from individuals or expert communities. A project can link to Hubs and Communities, and it can be affiliated to Organizations.
A call for proposals enables communities to gather proposals from projects according to a customized templates and ruleset. Organizers can choose different ways of reviewing proposals and ultimately defining winners. Call for proposals are currently only created in communities.
An organization is the page of a real-world organization. Other containers can be affiliated to organizations.
What it says. It’s the member profile, but it has so much more than on other platforms.