A project is the smallest of containers on JOGL. It is designed to support the collaboration of a team around a project and its documentation. A project can be used for collaboration or also as a vitrine to seek for help from individuals or expert communities.
A project is designed to join communities and hubs that can support its objectives.
The purpose of a project is to display and document your work, share updates, needs, results, and coordinate collaborators. A project can be part of a Hub or Community to receive support from their members, and apply to their call for proposals.
<aside> <img src="/icons/directional-sign-right_purple.svg" alt="/icons/directional-sign-right_purple.svg" width="40px" /> You can join a project like you would join any other container. See joining a container. Once you have joined a project you are part of its ecosystem, and conversely, you are part of the ecosystem of all the containers the project is linked to.
<aside> <img src="/icons/directional-sign-right_purple.svg" alt="/icons/directional-sign-right_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The more details you put in the project general information, the more your project will be visible and attractive for potential contributors, communities, and hubs