What is a JOGL project

A project is the smallest of containers on JOGL. It is designed to support the collaboration of a team around a project and its documentation. A project can be used for collaboration or also as a vitrine to seek for help from individuals or expert communities.

A project is designed to join communities and hubs that can support its objectives.

Why create a project

The purpose of a project is to display and document your work, share updates, needs, results, and coordinate collaborators. A project can be part of a Hub or Community to receive support from their members, and apply to their call for proposals.

  1. Document your work: Build a library with the relevant scientific literature, and use the documents section to document your work
  2. Discuss with collaborators in the project discussion. Launch a thread or reply to threads.
  3. Join relevant hubs and communities to engage experts and communities around your work, share updates with them, ask for their contributions.
  4. Create Needs and explore collaborating with people who are motivated to help you
  5. Apply to a Call for Proposals with your project

How to create a project

How to join a project

<aside> <img src="/icons/directional-sign-right_purple.svg" alt="/icons/directional-sign-right_purple.svg" width="40px" /> You can join a project like you would join any other container. See joining a container. Once you have joined a project you are part of its ecosystem, and conversely, you are part of the ecosystem of all the containers the project is linked to.


Setting up and operating a project successfully

General and about

<aside> <img src="/icons/directional-sign-right_purple.svg" alt="/icons/directional-sign-right_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The more details you put in the project general information, the more your project will be visible and attractive for potential contributors, communities, and hubs
