What is a discussion

Discussions are designed for users to share content (e.g., results, links, ideas) and have constructive discussions are it. Discussions can be centered around a container (Hub, Community, Project, or Call for Proposals) or around an object in a container (e.g., Need, Paper, JOGL doc).

User posts, replies, and automatic posts

Discussion types

Container discussion

<aside> <img src="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" alt="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Container discussions can be found either on the container page on the discussion tab, or in the left discussion panel.


<aside> <img src="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" alt="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The container discussion is a collection of the threads. It is meant to discuss general topics, or bring a specific topic to the attention of the container members by sharing a link


<aside> <img src="/icons/lock_purple.svg" alt="/icons/lock_purple.svg" width="40px" /> The container discussion can be seen by any user who has visibility right on the container. Yet only members allowed by admins can post in the discussion


Needs discussions

<aside> <img src="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" alt="/icons/swap-horizontally_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Needs discussions are discussions related to a specific need. You will find those on the need’s page, or in the left discussion panel


<aside> <img src="/icons/lock_purple.svg" alt="/icons/lock_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Needs are meant to be shared beyond the container. All the members of the container’s ecosystem can see and post on the need discussion


Paper discussions